
Anton Honcharov

Location: Kiev

Phone: +380973068897

Opinov8, Senior Mobile(React Native, Swift, Flutter) Developer

March 2022 - TILL NOW

Technologies: React Native, Swift, Flutter

Responsibilities: Maintaining existing project, developing new features from scratch, working with Firebase Analytics, Remote Config, Realtime Database, iOS and Android Payments. Estimating new projects for proposals.

Noisy Miner, iOS Developer

AUGUST 2021 - March 2022

Technologies: Swift/Alamofire/Kingfisher/Moya/Firebase/REST API

Architecture: VIPER

Responsibilities: Maintaining existing project, developing new features from scratch, working with Firebase Analytics, Remote Config, Realtime Database.

Project: Successful project in United States and Great Britain markets with more than 1 500 000 monthly active users (iOS + Android).

Opinov8, iOS Developer

AUGUST 2020 - AUGUST 2021

Technologies: Swift/Objective C/Alamofire/Moya/Firebase/REST API

Architecture: MVC

Responsibilities: Maintaining existing project, migrating Objective-C Screens to Swift (UIKit), developing new features, connecting to third party API, setting up Build Schemes, working with Jenkins pipelines, integrating with third party services(payment), working with Firebase Analytics, Remote Config, Realtime Database.

Project: Fintech application that helps employees receive their salary before the payment day.

Opinov8, React Native Developer

JUNE 2018 - AUGUST 2020

Technologies: React JS/React Native/Redux/Reselect/Thunk/Redux-Saga/GraphQL/AWS-Lambda, DynamoDB, S3/Serverless/Ramda/REST API

Responsibilities: I've participated in launching 3 products from scratch. Also in 1 product I was involved as an additional developer. I developed web and mobile architecture, worked in cooperation with the client, business and QA team to achieve the best result.

And the products are:

  • it was the web(React) and mobile(React Native) learning platform. The app includes learning materials (text, videos, surveys etc.) with the possibility to chat with other people and mentors (several types of users), offline mode.
  • React Native application for test hearing capability of the user with several screens that have ordered by API response from BackEnd, and customised by response from BackEnd.
  • React Native App for big logistic company. The main feature for the app was background geolocation tracking. Also, the app has several additional functionalities such as Push Notifications, offline mode, downloading and uploading files, a map view, multilanguage,
  • the React Native app that I joined as an additional developer is a marketplace platform that offers search among health professionals and fitness instructors within a certain geographic location. It has such services Amazon Elasticsearch, AWS Lambda, AWS Cognito, and AWS API Gateway, AWS Dynamo DB

Evoplay, React JS Developer

FEBRUARY 2018 - JUNE 2018

Technologies: React/Redux/Redux-saga/Recompose/Reselect/Typescript/GraphQL/NightwatchJS

Responsibilities: Developing online gaming platform. Creating adaptive and cross browsing layouts. Maintaining online gaming platforms. Writing E2E tests.

Project: Online game platform

Phase One: Karma/Unicheck,
Frontend Developer


Technologies: React/TypeScript/Twig

Responsibilities: Adopting functionality platform for people with disabilities. Creating flexible and friendly mobile design. Maintaining existing web products.


Netvertise Ltd, Frontend Developer

MARCH 2016 - OCTOBER 2017

Technologies: React/Redux/ES6/

Responsibilities: connection with external partners API (financial companies), migration old WordPress websites to new on React/Redux, creating adaptive layouts, refactoring legacy code.

Project: Financial/Credit platform, lifestyle online shop’s, local online services, Npm package developed in "home" - pre-lander builder, Frontend Developer

APRIL 2014 - AUGUST 2015

Technologies: HTML/CSS/jQuery/JS

Responsibilities: front-end part, performance optimization, project design and architecture, project support


LLC CyberBionic Systematics,
Frontend Developer & Coach

OCTOBER 2014 - AUGUST 2015

Technologies: HTML/CSS/jQuery/JS/AJAX/AngularJS

Responsibilities: front-end part, performance optimization, project design and architecture, project support. As Coach taught students HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap

Project: CyberBionic Systematics website, Education Portal


National Technical University of Ukraine Kyiv Polytechnic Institute: Software Engineering

IT Training Center CyberBionic Systematics: Microsoft Specialist (Certification Number – F342-7509), Microsoft Certified Professional (Certification Number – F342-7504)

Additional skills

Personal: disciplined, proactive, easy learning, analytical thinking

Languages: English(intermediate), Hebrew(intermediate), Russian(native), Ukrainian(native)

Hobbies: crossfit, swimming, composing electronic music